Importacular User Guide

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Organisational Relationship Area Settings

Organisational Relationship Area Settings work with matching data to existing Organisational Relationships, searching by Alias and working with Primary Business settings.

For Constituent Relationships:

On tab 1, you are able to determine how an organisational relationship record is processed if a match is found.

By default, as long as you have suitable Criteria Sets in place, Importacular will seek to to find Constituent record in RE for the mapped relationship. If the incoming Constituent Relationship is not in RE, but if it finds a suitable non-constituent relationship on the Linked/associated Record, Importacular will convert the Non-Constituent record into a Constituent one.

However, if the Non-Constituent record appears on multiple Linked/Associated records, this will create a new record every time, resulting in duplicate records. As this is not ideal, we have added an additional option which, when checked, will seek to ‘replace’ the non-constituent record with a constituent record instead of creating a new Constituent record. See this Knowledgebase Article for more information regarding this ‘Replace’ feature.

You can also opt to use fields such as the Position, Relationship and/or Reciprocal to match to existing relationships in the Raiser’s Edge.

Additionally, you can choose to add the function to allow a search by Alias for Organisations. See this knowledgebase article for more information regarding matching with an Alias.

On tab 2, you can work with the Primary Business Settings.

Non-constituent relationships have much of the same functionality (sans the options specific to creating a Constituent record).