Some imports may have the organisation related to the primary constituent, but also with other records in the import, for example, another employee or a second organisation. You may want to create a relationship between the organisation and each of the employees. Please note that you can only use the Cross Link functionality to connect constituent relationships.
You can do this by creating a mapping for each relationship but to speed this up you can use the cross linking relationships.
In the Individual or Organisation mapping tab, select ‘Mapping’ and choose ‘Cross Link Relationships’ from the drop down.

The below box will appear listing all the constituent relationships in your template (organisation or individual). Select those you wish to link.

Click ok and the linked relationship mappings will be created.

You may wish to go in and select relationships and reciprocals for each one within the created template.
To see the documentation specific to Cross Linking Individual Relationships, please view this page of the User Guide.